In this lesson:
Now, you need to collect signatures on your document to get things rolling. It's no hassle at all using Electronic Signatures Requests, or, eSign Requests for short. You can also start an eSign request on any files you have assigned to your client.
Creating an eSign Request
To start an eSign request:
- Go to a Client's Record.
- Press the Files Tab.
- Under Files, right+click on a file.
That's right - we'll make use of the right-click menu on the Files tab. Select eSignature Request.
Remember - File types eligible for eSign include:
- Microsoft Word files
- Microsoft Excel files
- CSV files
- PDF files
Heads-up! Some forms require a handwritten signature. Be sure to double-check the signature requirements in your state before sending an eSign request to your client.
The next screen you’ll be taken to is your file, with options to add signature fields on the left. You'll see three tabs at the top.
- Signers: where you will select everyone who needs to sign the document
- Fields: here you will place the signature, date and initials fields for each signer
- Settings: you can customize the due date and send a personalized message before sending the request.
- Signer Authentication: Use the toggle to turn on signer authentication.
- Template: Add an eSign template. Learn how to create a new template below!
The Signers tab is where you'll select who will be signing the docuent.
To add a signers:
- Click on +Add Signers
- Use the check boxes to select anyone who will be signing the document.
Client Signers
By default, the Signers will be the Client whose record you were just on. If that Client has any connections, like spouses or important contacts, those also appear as signers.
Team Members
Below you will see any practitioners and team members that have been linked to the client.
Additional Signers
In some cases, a third party, like a lawyer, may need to digitally notarize a document. You can send Individuals who should sign the eSign request with a Secure Link via email. This means you can have them sign without having them listed as a client or access to the client portal. Which makes sense!
- You can add other signers by selecting + Create Custom Signer.
You’ll enter a First and Last Name, and an email. You have the option of sending a client portal invite if needed. Once you add them, you don’t have to do it again!
A Note on Multiple Signers: When signing an eSign, multiple people can sign using the same email address. However, if you're sending the eSign request to a client portal, each signer needs to access the request through their own portal or via email. You can't have two different signers eSign a document through the same portal.
This can be confusing, especially if spouses share a portal and one spouse is inactive. To avoid confusion, it's important to make sure that each signer has their own access to the eSign request, either through their own portal or via email.
Once you have identified who will be signing the document you then need to place the appropriate fields on the document.
It’s pretty straightforward, you have three options to place onto the document:
- Signature Field
- Initial Field
- Date Field
You will place fields for each signer.
Start by selecting the signer from the drop down menu. You will see all of the signers you selected from the first tab populate in this dropdown menu. I will start by selecting where I need to sign, date and initial.
- To place a field you simply drag it over to the document and drop it in the appropriate place.
- If you need to move the field you simply drag it to where you need it.
- You can get rid of a field by clicking the x.
- Finally for your own fields you can sign it by clicking on it. Don’t worry if you forget to sign it now it will prompt you before you send it to your client.
You will repeat these steps for each singer.
- Go back to the dropdown menu.
- Select the next signer.
- Drag each field onto the document.
Now that you have your signature and recipients finished, you'll send the request. The Send Request tab is where you can add:
- Request Title: make any edits to the document name.
- a Due Date: when you want your document signed by.
- a Reminder: set a frequency to remind clients to sign your document.
- a Message: write a simple intro to your document.
Once you're set, click Send Request. The request is sent to your recipient's client portal and/or their email to sign the document. If you haven't signed your fields you will be prompted to Send and Sign.
Heads-up! If the Send Now option is grayed out and unable to select it, make sure to double-check if you have a signer assigned to the recipient signature, date, or initial!
View the eSign Request Task
After sending the eSign Request, you can see the request saved as a task. That's right - an eSign Request is a type of task in Canopy. The process is just like you've done with a Client Request.
To view it:
- Go to the Client's Record.
- Click the Tasks tab
- In the Active Tasks table, look for the name of the document you sent.
Click the eSign Request to:
- Rename the Task (which is the name of the Letter or Document)
- Set a Priority
- Edit or add a Due Date
- Edit or add a Reminder
- View the File
- See who had signed it
- Resend the invite
If you make any changes, click Update Task.