In this lesson:
Liveboards is a place where you pin charts, tables, and KPIs and get real-time data about your firm. It's basically a dashboard hub that holds the most relevant information to you!
You can find a list of your firm's Liveboards under the Home tab.
Create a Liveboard From a Search
To create a Liveboard, you have two options:
- Select +Liveboard in the Liveboards tab, or
- Navigate to the Create answers tab in Insights.
You've already learned how to search, so go ahead and enter some attributes and filters to start.
Once you've got an answer with a table or chart and you're satisfied with what you've got, you can select the blue Pin button on the top right to add it to your Insights Liveboards.
Create a Liveboard From an Existing Answer
You'll first need to go to the Answers tab in Insights and then select an Answer Name to get started.
Once you've done that, go ahead and click the gray Liveboard dropdown on the right.
In the window that pops up, you'll:
- Choose + Create Liveboard
- Enter a title
- Click Add
- Select Pin
And voila! You've got yourself a new Liveboard from an existing answer.
Drill down on your data
Drilling down is a fancy way of saying that you can dig deeper into the data that comes up from a search.
Say you did a search for Task Count, Task Days in Status, and Task Assignee. Now I want to know the Task Priority for just Natalie's tasks. What I can do is right-click on Natalie's Total Task Days in the Status bar in the chart and select Drill Down.
Then, type Task Priority into the search bar of the Drill down area and select the option when it populates.
Now I can see exactly how many days each Task Priority has been in Status.
You can continue to Drill down as much as you'd like! The world really is your oyster here, folks. ✨
As a side note, the Undo, Redo, and Reset buttons on the top right are really going to be your friends when drilling down, especially when you're just starting out and getting your feet wet.
Making a Liveboard from a Canopy Template
Working with Liveboards
There are so many nifty things you can do with Liveboards. I'll go over the items that are available to you now.
- Rename (if you are the owner of the Liveboard)
- Make a copy
- Download PDF
- Present
- Schedule
- Manage Schedules
- Show Liveboard details
- Delete (if you are the owner of the Liveboard)
For more information, you can always view the Working with Liveboards training video on ThoughtSpot!
Make a Copy
At times, you may want to make a copy of a Liveboard so that you can edit it without overwriting the original Liveboard. You can also save the copy with a new name. You don't need to be the original owner of the Liveboard to make a copy of it.
When you are within a Liveboard, click the three dots icon on the top right and select Make a copy.
Then enter a name, and a description, and click Save. Simple as that!
Learn how to organize Liveboards using tabs
Using tabs can help you organize all the different data into groups that make sense to your firm.
Get started by selecting Edit on the top right of a Liveboard.
Select + Add tab and you'll see a new tab populate just under your Liveboard title.
Double-click any of the tabs to rename them. As an example, I added tabs labeled:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly, and
- Yearly
Once you've finished making changes, be sure to click Save in the top right!
Now, when you want to Pin an answer to a Liveboard, you can select which specific tab to add it to. You can even create another tab in the Liveboard there too.
Move an answer to a tab of your Liveboard by clicking Edit in the top right.
Then find the answer you want to move, click the ellipses icon, and choose Move to tab.
From there, select the tab you want to see the answer in and select Move!
Now, you may be asking yourself, "Is this Hogwarts?!" and the answer is no. This is Canopy Insights! However, we are basically Hogwarts for CPAs. 🏰 🤓
Apply filters to the entire Liveboard at once
For the next trick, you'll also want to make sure you have selected the Edit option in the Liveboard and click Add filter.
Add as many filters as you'd like from the left side of the page in the Add Filters window.
The Liveboard will update as you add filters. Be sure to Save changes when you are finished!
Keep in mind that changing filters in a visualization on a Liveboard does not change the original answer that you created, so no worries.
Download a PDF of a Liveboard
Download a PDF of your LIveboard by simply going to the ellipses icon on the top right and selecting Download PDF. You can choose what to download based on the format, layout, content, branding, footer text, and visualizations of the Liveboard.
Pa-POW, now you've got a shiny new PDF to review whenever the mood strikes.
Use Present Mode
Now, this is gonna really be a fun one for our PowerPoint nerds. We're lookin' at you, Mikes of the world! 👀 Present mode allows you to interactively present data in real-time to your team.
While you're in Present mode, you can interact with the data on each slide. (Psst, this is where you can drill down your data too!)
Share a Liveboard
You can share Liveboards with others in your firm by selecting the Share icon in the top right of your Liveboard.
In the Share window that pops up, enter the names or email addresses of the users you want to share with. You can also view suggested users and groups when you click the search field.
Be sure to select if the user or group can View or Edit the shared Liveboard.
Leave the Make this Liveboard discoverable box checked or unchecked, based on your preference, and click Share.
Use Make a copy to create a new version of any visualization found in a Liveboard
There might be times when you want to make changes to a visualization outside of a Liveboard, without affecting the current Liveboard. Just do this by:
- Clicking the ellipses icon on a visualization in your Liveboard
- Selecting Make a copy
- Make changes to the visualization using the search bar
- Click the ellipses icon and choose Save
The updated answer will appear on the home page and under the Answers tab!
Using Explore Mode
Explore mode is a great way for you to dig deeper into your visualizations and can do some pretty cool things:
- Filter
- Add
- Replace, and
- Compare
Open Explore Mode
Hover over a visualization in your Liveboard and click the Explore button.
Apply Filters
You can add your own filters by typing in the filter search bar of the Explore window, or you can use suggested filters just below the search area.
Add Additional Columns
Again, you can add your own columns or pick from a suggestion below! As an example, you might want to add an attribute, like Task Status. Simply select the suggested Task Status and the visualization updates automatically.
Remember to use those "life saver" Undo, Redo, and Reset buttons here when needed!
Replace Columns
You can replace one column with another in this area as well. For example, I want to replace the Task Assignee column with Task Status. So I make sure the correct column is selected in the dropdown (Task Assignee), and I also click the suggestion for Task Status.
Compare Two Values
Let's use the compare tab and compare two values using the keyword, versus (vs)! For example, to compare client creation dates, I'll select the Client Creation Date filter and add the values last year and this year. After clicking Apply, I'm good to go!